Company Info

Date of EstablishmentEstablished in April 1996, in operation since 1987
Director(s)Harumasa Murayama, Managing Director
Number of Employees283 (as of December 2022)
Business AreasImport, Wholesale and Retail foods, liquor and other related consumer goods
Major Trading AreasJapan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore and U.S.A.
Fiscal TermMarch
Major BankWestpac New Zealand Limited
Corporate Group Japan Mart 2014 Co., Ltd.
Liquor Shop Shigekuni Ltd.
Gekkan NZ Co., Ltd.
JANZ Courier Co., Ltd.

Tokyo NZ Group History

198710Japanese supermarket “Asuka” opened
11“Asuka Trading Co., Ltd” established
199011Relocation of Asuka to Custom Street, trade name changed to “Mai”
19964“TOKYO FOOD Co., Ltd” established
19971Integrated wholesale and retail divisions under the organization
of TOKYO FOOD Co., Ltd.
Changed the name of our Japanese food store from “Mai” to
“Japan Mart”
Relocation of Japan Mart to Anzac Ave.
20028Christchurch branch opened
12Wellington branch opened
200411Relocation of TOKYO FOOD HQ and warehouse to Grey Lynn
200712Relocation of TOKYO FOOD HQ and warehouse to Mt. Wellington
20093Japan Mart Anzac branch closed, New Market branch opened
7Waikato branch opened
8Japan Mart Sylvia Park branch opened
10Tokyo Liquor Sylvia Park branch opened
20116Tokyo Liquor New Market branch opened
201212Japan Mart City branch opened
20131Tokyo Liquor City branch opened
20155Japan Mart Manukau branch opened
20164Japan Mart Henderson branch opened
201710Japan Mart Riccarton branch opened
20189Tauranga branch opened
20202Japan Mart Milford store opened
20211Japan Mart Hornby store opened
20215JANZ Courier Co., Ltd
202212Japan Mart Lower Hutt branch opened
20239Tokyo Liquor Lower Hutt branch opened